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Enam Tim Paduan Suara Indonesia Panen Juara dan Penghargaan di "5th Tokyo International Choir Competition"

Foto : Dok KBRI Tokyo
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Paduan Suara Santa Angela sukses meraih Gold Prize Kategori Children Choir (Under-18); Category Winner of Children Choir (Under-18); Best Interpretation of Set Piece (Set Piece The Rainbow by Nakanishi Akane); Gold Prize Kategori Folklore - Second Place of the Category; dan Grand Prix Winner of 5th Tokyo International Choir Competition.

Sementara itu Paduan Suara Unpad berhasil meraih Gold Prize Kategori Contemporary Music; Category Winner Kategori Contemporary Music; dan Best Interpretation of Contemporary Music Pieces Award.

Untuk Paduan Suara SMA 15 Surabaya (Libels Voice) meraih Gold Prize Kategori Contemporary Music - Third Place of the Category; Gold Prize Kategori Folklore - Third Place of the Category; and Best Interpretation of Set Piece (Set Piece The Dreams of the Dreamer by David Walters).

Sementara itu, Paduan Suara El-Shaddai USU meraih Silver Prize Kategori Contemporary Music and Gold Prize Kategori Mixed Choir.

Paduan Suara Dvya Vocal Ensemble meraih Silver Prize Kategori Equal Voice dan Paduan Suara Gema Sangkakala Children meraih Gold Prize Kategori Children Choir (Under-18) - Third Place of The Category; and Gold Prize Kategori Folklore Music.
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Redaktur : Ilham Sudrajat
Penulis : Ilham Sudrajat


