Nasional Mondial Ekonomi Megapolitan Olahraga Rona The Alun-Alun Kupas Splash Wisata Perspektif Wawancara Edisi Weekend Foto Video Infografis

Berbahaya Mengganggu Penerbangan, Sejumlah Balon Udara Liar Terdeteksi di Langit Pulau Jawa Saat Hari Lebaran

Foto : Antara/Pixabay

Balon udara panas.

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h. 12.26 WIB : 5 buah balon di sebelah barat Kota Yogyakarta dengam ketinggian 9000 kaki (laporan Pilot Lion rute Jakarta - Yogyakarta);

Adapun NOTAM yang telah dilakukan di antaranya:

a. A1024/22 (29 April - 21 Mei 2022) : All Traffic Within Semarang Control Area are Caution Advised due to Balloon Appearance. Remark : All Pilot are Requested to Inform ATC if See the Balloons Within Semarang Control Area,

b. A1046/22(2 - 5 Mei 2022) : All Pilot are Requested to Inform ATC if See the Balloons, dan

c. A1047/22(2 - 10 Mei 2022) : All Traffic Caution Advised due to Balloon Appearance Centred on Coordinates074102.00S1093937.00E Within 25NM Radius. Remark : All Pilot are Requested to Inform ATC if See the Balloons;
Halaman Selanjutnya....

Redaktur : Lili Lestari
Penulis : Antara


